Friday, November 1, 2013

Microteaching I

SO glad we all survived Microteaching I! The first one is always the hardest and I am looking forward to improving for microteaching II. I learned many tips through watching my peers, which is one of the best features of the unit.


  1. Hi Marissa,

    I enjoyed your lesson. It was a good basic history on the witch-hunts and I particularly appreciated that right from start you made it clear why we were studying it. Although your were nervous at first, you were quite personable and easy-going in your teaching.

    You obviously have a good command of the technology; you used the powerpoint and video well. I feel, though, that you used it too much. There was a lot of video for a 15-20 minute lesson. Had you cut that down, it would have given you time to engage with each student directly more. You brought up some intriguing questions to ponder. Maybe they were too intriguing for such a short lesson. It may have been better to ask more concrete, simpler questions related directly to the material you presented. It would have given you some formative assessment as well.

    I think that for such a short lesson, a smaller piece of the history would have been better. Showing the big picture is a great place to start, but a subject such as this needs much more time. Noble sentiments, but perhaps too ambitious?

    Still, though, a great start and I think this would make for a great unit. You have a great way of linking the material to larger issues. all you need is the time to do it justice.


  2. Hello Marissa,

    I remember you saying that you were a little nervous to teach before you got up in front of all of us, but as soon as you began your lesson, I could tell that you were comfortable with your subject matter. Not only this, but you seemed very comfortable with teaching in general. You knew how to use all of the technology and knew how to incorporate the Internet to find videos that could help us learn the subject matter. I agree with Phil in the fact that I think it would have been a little better if it was more of you explaining things to us as opposed to letting the video do it. Overall, I believe that you did a great job teaching us about the Salem Witch Trials and it rekindled my interest in them!


  3. Hello Marissa,

    I think you did every good. The video might have been long but it was worth it to understand the history. I liked the theme since the witch hunts are talked about during Halloween and we went deep into the injustices that were done and how the high class abused their power. I don't really remember if there was individual work though. I kinda should've done this earlier. But what was really cool is that the same night I was watching American Horror story and the African witch that was talked about in the lesson is in it, which is cool because now I know the story behind it.

