Lesson Plan Template
for SED 406 and 407
part 1 = planning
Teacher Candidate:
Mrs. Social Studies
Modern World History
Name of Lesson:
Review the Causes and Effects of WWII
Learning Objective(s), including Bloom's taxonomic level:
(label A, B, C, *D) *optional
Bloom’s taxonomic
level – Knowledge/Analysis
The students will
review together in groups the causes and effects of WWII worldwide to
complete the study guide before the test.
Student Standards (GSE or/GLE or Common Core-in draft for
math/science- list which):
GSE: HP 1 (9-12) –2a
Students interpret history as a
series of connected events with multiple cause-effect relationships, by explaining
cause and effect relationships in order to sequence and summarize events,
make connections between a series of events, or compare/contrast events
Teacher Standards (professional society and/or NETS and RIPTS-list which):
RIPTS – 3.1 Teachers
understand how student’s use their prior knowledge to construct knowledge,
acquire skills, develop habits of mind and acquire positive dispositions of
Rationale: Why this lesson? How does it fit into the curriculum and context?
Is this the introduction, conclusion, or somewhere in the
middle of the unit of instruction?
This lesson is at the
conclusion, when the students need to review all they have went over for the
past two weeks in order to apply it logically in an assessment.
Materials/Resources needed, including technology:
Textbooks, previously
graded hand-outs/homework
Accommodations and Modifications (special needs and learning
Students who work
best alone may do so. Quieter groups on one side of room, louder groups on
What content resources support this knowledge base? (list at
least 2)
How confident are you in this topic as you start this lesson?
Mrs. SS seems very confident that this lesson will be of good
use to her students.
part 2 = action
Bell-ringer: How will you get students seated, and ready for
academic work? (without your voice)
Mrs. SS shuts the
door as a “last call” type of gesture.
Anticipatory Set: How will you introduce the material,
interest the students, show relevance of topic?
(change as needed)/Time
Teacher action
Student action
e.g. Intro/2 min.
Greetings/ Do Now: take out homework from
the last 2 weeks
Get out past homework assignments
3 min.
Asks students to get
into previously assigned groups based on learning style/ Pass out review
sheet (35 questions)
Students grab work, textbooks
and assemble in groups, take review worksheet
50 min.
Go around to groups,
make sure they are on task, answer questions
Review with peers,
ask for help if necessary
15 mins
Have students get
back to seats to talk as a classroom
Listen, respond,
answer questions
8 mins
Current World Events
Ask questions, or
give answers if they know about the events.
Ask students to study
for test in two days
Study review sheet
Review and Reflection: How will you review for students who
are still having trouble?
Available for after
school help to discuss review sheet
Extension: What will you offer to students who have mastered
The students may start reading the next section.
Lesson Plan Template
pt. 3 = reflection
What went well?
Students were very
involved in review, groups worked nicely, not too many distractions
What area of weakness needs addressing?
Remind students to
keep their homework assignments with them or remind them to bring them to
class as some students forgot.
Which objectives were met? What is the evidence?
The students reviewed
the material and were able to piece the story of the era together cohesively
Which students did not meet objectives?
All met the
objectives with help from peers/teacher
Was time managed appropriately?
Yes, most time spent
on review
Did any teacher mannerisms or actions detract from the lesson?
*What were the strengths and weaknesses of classroom
All students were on
task as they wanted a good test grade and liked their groups.
Was the lesson engaging?
Yes, students wanted
to finish the review before class was over, worked together to accomplish
*What did I learn from my peer observation (address at least
one aspect)
Group work is good
for some classrooms, and this is one of those.
How will this experience influence your professional identity?
This gives me a model
to look to. Every class is different and you must find what works for them.
Students in this room find that review is necessary and helpful and
appreciate getting time in class. (See it as a privilege).
How will it influence how you plan/teach/assess in the future?
Will take the time to
know what my class needs so that I can give them effective lessons and use classroom
time to their advantage so they receive as much as possible.
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